I'm a painter and translator based in Prague. I paint mostly in oils using the alla prima technique and my main focus is on portraiture, jazz themes and floral still life.
As a counterpart to realistic painting, I create abstract works, which are often inspired by poetry, jazz and classical music and are always a reflection of my current state of mind.
A few years ago I started working with gold and silver leaf, creating an entire collection of paintings entitled "Hidden Secrets" and since then it has become an integral part of many of my paintings.
I studied painting with Raj Chaudhuri, a Denver-based artist who was the best tutor I could ever imagine and had the opportunity to meet his amazing teacher Quang Ho - both of them have been my great inspiration ever since. I also studied portrait painting at Studio Escalier in France, oil painting with the Czech artist Miloš Englberth, plein-air painting with Václav Fišer and passed several figure drawing seasons at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague and a "Portrait in Charcoal" workshop led by the American artist Michelle Dunaway.
I am member of the Portrait Society of America.
Solo Exhibitions:
11 / 2023 Květinová - Ateliér / Studio Podolská 90/5, Prague
4-5 / 2023 Když otevřu okno, cítím jaro - Periferie Cafe, Prague
12 / 2022 Blue - Cafe Decada, Prague
5-8 / 2022 Passage of Czech Design / Pasáž českého designu, Prague
2 / 2022 (S) N O V É - Café Záhorský, Prague
6 / 2021 Jako je sama skála - (con)temporary gallery Prague-Podolí
10 / 2019 Hidden Secrets / Báseň o sněžné levitaci - Činoherní kavárna, Prague
Group Exhibitions:
6 / 2020 Shades of Blue - online exhibition at the Camelback Gallery
5 / 2019 Festival amatérské tvorby - Galerie Kotelna, Říčany
2020 - The Art of the Portrait Conference (Portrait Society of America) - tuition scholarship
Finalist award - Abstract and Experimental Art Challenge, International Artist Magazine (August/September 2020)
Finalist award at Camelback Gallery's international juried painting competition "Portrait"
Finalist award at Camelback Gallery's international juried painting competition "Shades of Blue"